Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Michael Douglas Diagnosed With Throat Tumor

michael douglasMichael Douglas, the man who proved extra-marital affairs are quite hazardous for bunnies and how psychiatric patients can sometimes be fun to have sitting in the passenger seat while a wild goose chase for a kidnapped child is going on, has been diagnosed with a throat tumor.

His spokesperson told People Magazine Douglas has plans to undergo eight weeks of chemotherapy and radiation treatment, and his doctors are confident he'll make a full recovery. Additionally, Douglas made a statement saying he is "very optimistic."

Douglas hasn't said where in his throat the tumor is located, which is probably for the best because even if he told us, we wouldn't know what to do with it because we were distracted all through our college anatomy classes by girls with tattoos. USA Today spoke to a doctor at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston, who said the tumor could be in his larynx (a.k.a. the voice box) or the oropharynx (near the tonsils), and that the "rigorous treatment" suggests the tumor is "advanced."

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