Monday, August 30, 2010

Glenn Beck Rally Speech: America Must Turn Back to God

Held on the anniversary of Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" speech and mocked by Jon Stewart as a "I Have a Scheme" event, Glenn Beck kicked off his Restoring Honor rally this morning at the Lincoln Memorial.
Pictured below during his opening remarks, the Fox News host said: "We are humbled that you are here... America today begins to turn back to God."
Aside from the implication that Barack Obama is anti-God, we'll give you a free subscription to THG for a year if you can tell us what the heck that means.
<"">Glenn Beck Raally Pic
Someday, Glenn Beck might talk in numbers, facts and practical terms that don't include blanket, vapid, subtly racist statements. That day was not today.
In a speech prior to the event, Beck added that he feels like "God dropped a giant sandbag on my head. My role is to wake America up onto the backsliding of principles and values most importantly of God. We are a country of God."
Again, that sounds like a nice talking point from this self-proclaimed prophet, but does it actually serve any purpose, or have any meaning, aside from rallying conservatives to the polls in November?
The rally has been described as a non-political event, yet its keynote speaker was Sarah Palin. She took to the stage around 10:30 a.m.
"Say what you want to say about me, but I raised a combat vet and you can't take that away from me," she said to the large crowd, who proceeded to break out into chants of "U.S.A! U.S.A!"
This raises a a couple of points:
  1. Who is trying to take that away from Sarah Palin?
  2. Considering the large number of Muslim Americans who are combat veterans fighting in Afghanistan right now, Beck missed an opportunity to truly restore honor to America by asking one of their family members to take the stage and address an audience made up of Tea Party members mostly against the proposed Mosque in New York City.
Palin concluded her remarks by saying: "Vote for Bristol on Dancing with the Stars!"
Just kidding.

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